Oct 19, 2012 - Communication    1 Comment

Plan for Controlled Assessment

about how text influences people’s reactions and how they interpret different thinks
 How people talk differently  to different types of people


  1. The it can set people’s life (if they talk slang in a job interview they may not get the job because they have spoken informality in a formal meeting for a formal job
  2. paralinguistc features (visual features of speaking)
  3. homophones
  4. accents
  5. sarcasm
  6.  The way the speech is used 
  7. How it is used (is it used to abuse or is it just general)

 Paragraph one:

I’m going to intro the the question and about the subject witch is spoken language text and written language 

 Paragraph two:
Talk about text

 Paragraph three:
talk about writen

 Paragraph four:
talk about spoken languages
This planning makes sense so far, Jordan. Your next steps are:

1) Write two examples, one for each of your paragraphs that you will be able to use when you write your answer

2) Write the opening sentence for each paragraph where you outline what you’re planing to say.

Contact me for any help you need.



p1  state your position

p2 1 strong poit

p3 2 strong point

p4 generalise+ new point

p5 complex idea

p6 express you’re view

p7 develop an idea of where this will lead and Sumerian it

one of my strong points will be that I show that text is creative in many ways and how It can influence your future anhow hat your job is .

I’m also going to talk about how it can set you social group and maybe the way  you learn.also People can also take slang in there own way some may think it is lazy wicth would most likely come from a elder person.

You can show emotions in text by emoticone but in written u can’t witch is one resone text can be seen better than written also in text you can use abreviationlifer example lol (it stands for laugh out loud for the younger genaration but for people of a older age it could mean lots of love.






1 Comment

  • You’ve made some good points here, but I also think in a couple of areas you’ve gone a little off-track.

    What is good is that you’ve identified that both text-language and spoken language are creative. The next thing to do is break that down and use an example for every point. At the moment you’re trying to say too many things in each paragraph – and some of the points don’t seem entirely relevant.

    For example, if you want to talk about emoticons in text language, then you should talk about how they are a creative solution to the demand of communicating emotions, as if you were speaking to someone, in a text message.

    Then you should write an example of a sentence that uses an emoticon.

    Then you should explain how that emoticon affects (changes or adds to) the meaning of the sentence.

    After that you could (in a new paragraph) discuss how when people speak to each other, a lot of the message is communicated through things like facial expression (all of these non-word based devices, like a smile, are called “paralinguistic features”). This is a way speaking is creative.

    The main thing is that you should put one idea per paragraph, and take time to explain each idea, and give clear examples, before you go on.

    You definitely should talk about people’s opinions about text-speak, but again, that should come in a paragraph of its own.

    Let me know if you don’t understand all of this advice.

    Don’t forget you’re welcome to look at other students’ blogs as well to get an idea of how they’re tackling this question -and there’s an example answer to a slightly different question on the class blog.


    Mr Waugh

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